Apartment renters in Russia don't want to take a mortgage

Only a third of the respondents are planning to move into their own apartment.

The housing problem has spoiled not only Muscovites. More than half of the tenants are not burdened with housing loans and are not going to take them. But there are those who pay twice: for a rental apartment and under a mortgage agreement.

Two-thirds of the tenants (66%) rent a house with a partner or family. One-room apartments are rented by 54% of survey participants conducted by the Domofond portal. The study involved more than two thousand users across the country.

The main criterion for choosing rental housing is the quality of materials and the availability of necessary furniture (82% and 88%, respectively).

For a third of respondents (32%), it is important on which floor the dwelling is located. While 28% of survey participants said that they are suitable for any floor except the first and the last.

Speaking of utilities, 77% of tenants reported their willingness to pay the amount calculated by on the counters. Another 11% and 9% of respondents assume parking and concierge costs.

Moreover, more than half of the tenants in Russia are not burdened with mortgage loans and are not going to take them, the study says. A third of the respondents plan to take a mortgage in the future and move into their own apartment.

More than 10% of survey participants are forced to pay a mortgage simultaneously with the rent. Earlier, the CIAN portal reported an increase in the average cost of an apartment purchased with a mortgage in Moscow and the Moscow Region, by 10% – to 6.35 million rubles (a year earlier this figure reached 5.75 million). The share of mortgage transactions in the Moscow region’s market increased by 6% in 2018, and the average term of a housing loan was 16.4 years (5% more than it was in 2017).


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