The program for the early diagnosis of neurological disorders based on the facial recognition system according to the type that phones are now equipped with was developed by young scientists of the First MGMU. Sechenov.
A new technology of modeling intuitions has been developed by Russian AI scientists from the “Cognitive Technologies”. In the future intuition may be necessary for anthropomorphic robots to carry the space watch on the ISS together with people to...
Russians drink a lot
It is a classical stereotype as Russians are often pictured in many films as vodka drinkers. However, Russia is inferior to France, Italy and some US states in terms of...
It has long been impossible to imagine the surroundings of any Russian city without houses of various types belonging to citizens, from homely sheds to luxury cottages. A dacha is a country house and a plot of...
Soviet interior design was divided into mass production, which in some of its forms was monstrously boring; and exhibition, which is usually analyzed by art historians and designers. Let's see what an interior design looked like in...
Popular winter fun in Russia - skating on zorb balloons and tubing, better known as "vatrushka" as it resembles the shape of a Russian cheesecake, is one of the most traumatic types of winter activities.
Russians started to celebrate this holiday almost a century ago.
Every year February 23 in Russia, as well as Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland...
As it turned out, valuable metal accumulates in valleriite.
Scientists representing the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Siberian Federal University found that platinum can be mined from the waste...
Every third resident of Russia fears that the development of artificial intelligence may indirectly threaten his own employment. This is evidenced by the results of a recent survey conducted in 30 countries. Every second Russian citizen suggests...
The Russian economy will need 105,000 foreign workers in 2020. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova at a meeting of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations.